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Volunteering Pathway

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Commodore Flag Officer

1. Chairs the Executive Committee monthly meetings 2. Represents the club at Official functions 3. Provides and encourages leadership at all club activities 4. Ensures that the club is run according to its Rules and Constitution 5. Acts as casting voter on proposals discussed in the Executive Committee 6. Provides a report at the AGM

Vice Commodore Flag Officer

1. Chairs the Sailing Committee monthly meetings 2. Represents the club at Official functions in the absence of the Commodore 3. Provides and encourages leadership in the clubs sailing activities 4. Attends the Executive Committee meetings providing a report on sailing issues 5. Acts as casting voter on proposals discussed at the Sailing Committee 6. Provides a report to the AGM 7. Ensure all sailing is run according to the Sailing Rules 8. Oversees the production of the Sailing Programme

Rear Commodore Flag Officer

1. Chairs the House Committee at their monthly meetings 2. Represents the Club at Official functions when both the Commodore and Vice Commodore are absent 3. Attends the Executive Committee meetings providing a report on House issues 4. Acts as casting voter on proposals discussed at the House Committee meetings 5. Provides a report to the AGM 6. Has overall responsibility for the Club premises, cleaning and decoration 7. Arranges and oversees the Social activities of the club 8. Oversees the running of the Tea Bar


1. Is the point of contact for Club mail from outside agencies 2. Sends official correspondence on behalf of the Club 3. Attends the Executive Committee meetings providing a report 4. Produces the agenda for the Executive Committee meetings 5. Takes and distributes minutes of the Executive Meetings 6. Sends out notices to Club members of the AGM 7. Produces the agenda for the AGM 8. Takes minutes of the AGM


1. Maintains all club accounts to an auditable standard 2. Arranges payment of invoices 3. Banks payments to the club 4. Monitors the state of club accounts 5. Attends Executive Committee meetings 6. Presents the annual accounts at the AGM 7. Makes recommendations on subscription rates to the AGM

Health & Safety Officer

1. Attends the Executive Committee meetings 2. Undertakes annual Healthy & Safety Survey of the premises 3. Undertakes Risk Assessments of the Clubs activities 4. Writes and updates the Clubs Policy Statements and Procedures for Executive Committee approval.

Sailing Secretary

1. Produces the Sailing programme for the Club sailing activities 2. Attends Sailing Committee meetings 3. Produces agenda for sailing committee meetings 4. Attends Executive Committee meetings providing a report on sailing Issues 5. Attends South Coast Federation Sailing Secretarys meetings 6. Arranges trophies for the Laying Up Supper 7. Advertises Open Meetings 8. Arranges trophies for Open Meetings 9. Ensures that Officer of The Day and Patrol boat duties are covered 10. Acts as the point of contact for other sailing clubs on sailing issues 11 Maintains results of all club and Open meeting racing 12. Publishes results of racing on Club notice board

Assistant Sailing Secretary

1. Sends out reminders for OOD and Patrol Boat Duties 2. Takes Minutes of the Sailing Committee Meeting 3. Distributes minutes of the Sailing Committee Meeting

Membership Secretary

1. Attends Executive Committee Meetings 2. Brings before the Committee applications for new members 3. Distributes membership renewal notices 4. Receives membership subscriptions 5. Reports to the Executive committee on the state of membership renewals

Wine Steward

1. Registered owner of Club Licences 2. Manages the running of the Bar 3. Maintains stock levels 4. Maintains hygiene standards within the Bar and its equipment 5. Attends Executive Committee meetings providing a report on Bar issues


1. Organises and manages the storage of boats in the boathouse 2. Liases with on Membership Secretary on unpaid boathouse fees 3. Maintains boathouse and its equipment to required standards 4. Attends Sailing Committee Meetings


1. Maintains patrol boats to the required standard 2. Attends Sailing Committee meetings 3. Maintains stocks of fuel to the recommended levels

Principal Race Officer

1. Attends Sailing Committee meetings 2. Acts as the timekeeper for all racing.

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