Visiting Sailors & Open Meetings
Visiting Sailors can park at the Marina Car park. This is on the seafront a little way to the west of the club, opposite St Leonards Parish Church. There is a ramp from this carpark that you can use to get your boat down onto the foreshore. You may need the bollard removing, if so a H&SLSC club member can do that for you.
During regattas and opens we endeavor to have a club member in the car park to help direct visitors.
Once on the foreshore you can wheel your boat all the way to the club, which is just the other side of the Azure venue. Please note that many visitors prefer to launch from the beach adjacent to the Royal Victoria Hotel as it is closer to the car park and has no rocks.
When visiting for an open meeting registration and briefings will all take place in the club house. Further information can be found in the Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions