Clubhouse Hire
The clubhouse can be hired for social events and other uses such as classes or rehearsal space. It can accommodate up to 130 people, has a bar, kitchen and a veranda with views to the beach and English Channel.
To hire the clubhouse, you need to be a member of the club. Hire of the club by associate members requires payment of a £200 refundable deposit in addition to other charges. Hirers will need to provide a list of non-members attending no less than 48 hours in advance of the event; these guests will be treated as temporary club members for the duration of the hire. During high season (1st June - 30th September) the club will not be available to persons joining as associates specifically for venue hire on Saturdays.
Hire for social events and parties is £130.00. Hire for classes or rehearsal space is £15.00 per hour.
The clubhouse needs to be cleaned and tidied after social events and parties by 10.00 a.m. the following day so that it is ready for use again. Hirers should clear tables that they have used and bag large items of rubbish before leaving. Cleaning requires that floors are vacuumed and mopped, including the toilets, kitchen, bar, and veranda. If you do not wish to clean the clubhouse yourself then you can pay an additional £50.00 and the club will arrange cleaning.
Alcohol and other drinks for social events are to be purchased from the bar. Wine brought in for events by the hirer will be charged a corkage fee of £5.00 per bottle. The sailing club can provide bar staff; these arrangements and any particular drinks required should be discussed when making a booking.
The club can apply for a temporary event notice if the event will run outside of normal licencing times which are until 11pm Monday to Thursday, 10.30pm Sunday, and midnight on a Friday and Saturday. The cost of a temporary event notice is an additional £21.00.
The boathouse is not included in the hire and is out of bounds for people attending a clubhouse hire function. The cost of any damage to club or members property because of the hire will be met by the club member hiring the clubhouse.
Please be aware that the sailing club is run by volunteers. The object of the club is to provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in the sport of sailing and to foster good seamanship, good sportsmanship, and a love of the sea. Club members hiring the clubhouse are contributing to theses aims through the camaraderie of their event and the money it raises.